I want everything in an instant
I love instant results, instant answers, and instant solutions. I want everything in an instant. When I was in school, well before the age of computers and cell phones, we…
I love instant results, instant answers, and instant solutions. I want everything in an instant. When I was in school, well before the age of computers and cell phones, we…
What relationship do you consider the most important one in your life? Relationships are an important and essential part of life that we can’t do without. It’s been said, and…
Stepping off the plane for the first time in Burundi, I wondered what we had gotten ourselves into. After our plane landed, I stood on the airport tarmac with my…
I said in a recent post that my husband and I are not good fundraisers. Learning how to fundraise should be taught as a class for misisonaries. Logic says that…
My husband and I celebrated our 40th wedding anniversary in July 2024. When we said, "I do," all those years ago, we didn't consider, or even understand, what would happen…
I wasn't expecting this memory to come up today. It's been eleven years since my brother, Matthew, passed away. In the past few weeks, I've been thinking about Matthew. While…
I mentioned in a recent post that in July last year (2024), we celebrated our 40th wedding anniversary. That's a lot of time to get to know someone and become…
what do you do I am a missionary
Try as I might, I cannot grasp how to use Cling Wrap™ properly. It comes in a long rectangular box with an oh-so-fine serrated edge. This sharp edge is, in…
I have four children, three of whom are grown. The fourth is 17 and in the throes of finishing high school, taking SATs, and choosing what to study when she…