Because my life has brought me around the world, I learned there’s more to currency than meets the eye. When talking about currency, usually what comes to mind is the USD (United States Dollar). The dollar, together with the Euro and British Pound, is usually what is used when comparing values of currency. To figure out what something costs in USD when using foreign currency, simply divide the total amount of the currency you are spending by the rate of exchange. Since the currencies we usually have in the countries we work in have less value than the USD, we try to spend it all. Exchanging it back into USD is expensive and sometimes impossible.
New beginnings
Just like we spend some kind of currency wherever we are in the world and celebrate the New Year every January 1st, we have new beginnings every day:
"The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness."
Lamentations 3:22, 23 TLB
But, we have this opportunity every morning, not just at the start of a New Year. We have a chance to start fresh. Because God is merciful, I woke up today and have an opportunity to begin again. I have new money, or currency, to spend, and it can only be spent today. I have to spend it all. No credit card is available for this currency; I better spend it wisely because it can only be spent once.
"I will most gladly spend and be spent for your souls."
2 Corinthians 12:15a ESV
Marked down to the true value
I’ve been shopping before and seen items that have interested me. If something is nice enough to have made me stop to look at it, the first thing I will check is the price tag. Why? Because I want to know if it’s worth the money I have in my pocket. Most of the time, it isn’t unless it is on the clearance rack. You know those clearance racks that are put in the back of the store that have things that are “marked down?” It’s likely those extremely marked-down prices (in my humble opinion) are a reflection of the true value of those things.

Typically, I look for the “final clearance” racks where you can find things for 50% off or even more. When I leave a store with a pair of jeans or a shirt that originally cost $40 for $6, I feel accomplished. Why spend more than what something is worth? The lesson? Never, ever spend full price on anything. It’s not worth it!
Not cheap or on clearance
Today’s purchases aren’t cheap or on clearance. We have to pay full price for loving God, our families, and others every day. But there’s always enough money to pay for it. An added plus is that the value of heaven’s currency doesn’t fluctuate. It’s steady and strong. This world we live in is so empty and lost that it is a great shame if we dare end the day with any of heaven’s money left in our pockets. I try to end the day by asking myself, “Did I love God with all my heart and love my family to the best of my ability? And did I extend God’s love to the world?”
Today, and every day of the year, I want to go on a spending spree! I want to spend every bit of every day’s currency and not leave anything in my pocket. Because today is all I have, and I am determined to spend it all.