I spend too much time thinking about myself. The space between my ears easily fills with thoughts of myself. Thinking too much about my wants and the efforts I put into my projects and plans. My work, my way, and my ideas. When confronted with something other than my own ideas, my pride kicks in.
Pride? Yes. Pride in the sense I mean, according to Webster’s dictionary is an exaggerated self-esteem or conceit. Thinking more of one’s self than is healthy, that would be my definition if I were to write a dictionary.
*I don’t plan on writing a dictionary.*
When you pray His Kingdom come
Jesus addresses this when He was teaching His disciples to pray in Matthew 6:9-13. Be patient with me for a moment and let’s look briefly at this very familiar prayer.

When I read these verses early this morning, I was reminded of the fact that even in my praying, I’m thinking of myself more than I should. Jesus had to instruct me early in His teaching on how to pray to keep my focus on things besides myself. Jesus teaches us to pray for His Kingdom come, not our kingdom come. And to pray for what He wants done to be done, not our wants done.
Jesus emphasized those things because He is aware of our tendencies. We are inherently prone to get wrapped up in our kingdoms and our wants.
For example, I stress over what unknowns the day may bring or about something I want. How will I pay my bills? What will I do if bad news comes? And what about that dress I’ve been eyeing online? My mind begins to make contingency plans for the “what if” moments of life or about how I can get that dress I want.
Everything falls into place
In His teaching on prayer, Jesus prioritized the Kingdom of God because if we can put God’s Kingdom first, everything else falls into place.
“Don’t always think about what you will eat or what you will drink, and don’t keep worrying. All the people in the world are trying to get these things, and your Father knows you need them. But seek God’s kingdom, and all your other needs will be met as well.”
Luke 12:29-31 NCV
Everything we need is in God’s Kingdom. If we can keep this in the front of our prayers and minds, we won’t be thinking too much about ourselves.
Simple, yet effective. I won’t be thinking too much about myself today. He’s got everything under control so I don’t have to worry.
His Kingdom come.
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