This may be the most unusual assortment of blog entries you’ve read in a while. I hope the stories in the stories will capture not only your attention but also serve to encourage you to read further. As will become increasingly obvious to you, the reader, much of what you’ll find here comes from an overseas perspective. Since I’ve spent most of my life working cross-culturally, you’ll see that my worldview is a hodgepodge of perspectives. I like to think that living this way has helped me to live without cultural blinders. It makes for a most unusual kind of reading.
Imagine making a difference
Jesus Himself lived in a country foreign to His own and managed to make quite an impact. The messages He taught speak to us today in God’s word, which is also a most unusual kind of read. Jesus spent most of His time living His messages before those He taught. I wonder what would happen if people dared to live fully as He did. If we lived as foreigners on this earth, what an impact for the Kingdom we could make? Gone would be the presuppositions of culture and politics. If we could only keep our eyes focused as He did, on making a difference for His Kingdom.
Dreaming most unusual dreams
I always dreamed of far-off lands. Places that weren’t necessarily exotic, but places that held the wonder and mystery of God’s plan. I knew, even from a young age, that God’s dream was one worth pursuing. I am very aware of how honored I am to have lived to see what I have seen. It’s my hope that A Cultural Shift will stir you to believe for the dream God placed in you because the dream is real.
So what do you dream of doing in life for God’s Kingdom? What are the dreams that catch your attention and draw your interest? Those dreams can take you places you’ve never thought of if you can simply connect with God’s purposes which are always centered around the needs of others. I’ve learned that God can get more to me if I hold my hands open instead of holding on to what I have tightly.

Thank you for spending your valuable time with me journeying into A Cultural Shift. I hope to live up to the title of a most unusual kind of read!
With gratitude,