I want everything in an instant
I love instant results, instant answers, and instant solutions. I want everything in an instant. When I was in school, well before the age of computers and cell phones, we…
I love instant results, instant answers, and instant solutions. I want everything in an instant. When I was in school, well before the age of computers and cell phones, we…
When I was young, I had all the typical girl dreams. I wanted a handsome husband, a home, a career, and kids. Like anyone else, I dreamt of a beautiful…
I did not make New Year's resolutions or goals for 2024. It's been a few years since I have written goals for the year. But just because I haven't made…
Have you ever felt like an amateur but posed as a professional? When I posted a professional marriage tip blog, I felt that way. While writing, I initially felt uncomfortable…
Do you think family dysfunction is a new thing? I just finished reading the story of Abraham and Sarah. And while I've read their account many times, I'm still confounded…
At the start of every New Year, words like "resolutions" and "vision" make an appearance. Plenty of books, articles, and sermons are available on how to set goals and realize…
A comment on my 5th-grade report card still strikes me when I think of it today: "Lea does not take correction well." Ouch! Those comments written more than 40 years…
In an increasingly upside-down world, what should our response be? There isn’t a day that goes by without something catastrophic happening. All of us have tunnel vision and focus mainly on what…
Don’t panic! Life is crazy right now and it’s tempting to panic. World events have us on the edge of our seats. The news coupled with the anxiety we face…
I’ve been in Liberia for a week teaching in a week-long leadership academy for church leaders. Let me just say that my first visit to West Africa has been amazing.…