“Take words with you, and return to the Lord, say to Him, ‘Take away all iniquity; receive us graciously, for we will offer the sacrifices of our lips.’”
Hosea 14:2 ESV
Sacrifices. When I think of that word, I think of something I can do. Or something that I can offer or give up for God. You can probably name many things you have sacrificed over the years. And you have done so willingly, as have I, just to be closer to the Lord. I have no regrets and would offer everything to Him again if I had the chance. But did you know that you can offer something besides money, time, or things? You can offer words.
Prepare something to say
I read Hosea 14:2 this morning. God’s people were told to “take words” with them. They were instructed to prepare something to say to the Lord. Israel had enjoyed a time of relative peace and prosperity when the book of Hosea was written. But they had, simultaneously, gotten off track in their relationship with God. In effect, they had abandoned Him. Spiritual leaders were corrupt, families were unstable, and there was a lot of prejudice and poverty. This sounds a lot like the conditions we face today. The depravity of the fallen nature of man is nothing new. How do we tackle the depravity of mankind? First, we need to take words with us.
I have prepared words
I have prepared words before—words for a presentation at school when I was young and words for presentations at work. I’ve also prepared words for a message that I would give in church and words to win arguments. The task’s importance at hand would determine my level of preparation. I would put effort into getting everything in order.
As a young person in school, there were times when the right words for a presentation were difficult to find. Because it was a difficult assignment, I would not spend much time working. I took the lazy route. The grade I received reflected my lack of preparation. My parents made sure that I knew they expected more from me. As time passed, I slowly grew to understand how important preparation was. I then began to take my time preparing. I also ensured my presentations were done well, both for school and later on for work. Then, I had people proofread them and critique my work. It was serious business for me to get everything done right.
Prepared with an answer
My need to be right bled over into my relationships. I was always prepared with an answer whenever a disagreement arose. I’d find myself rehearsing all the words needed to win. I was not interested in reconciling the relationship as much as in being right and winning.

Why is it so important to be right? To win every argument? Why do I need to broadcast my “side” of the argument? And why do I strive for my “rightness” to be acknowledged? Pride keeps me in a tangle of opinions that gets me nowhere. Yet I insist on remaining on my course of utter loneliness. My words dig me deeper into holes of isolation, and I become isolated from the ones I love. All because of pride.
Taking the right words
What is the answer? Using the right words, not just words to win by. Words like “I’m sorry. I was not thinking of your side as much as I should have. Please forgive me.” Those are hard words to say, but they dissolve the bonds of pride in relationships.
God’s people needed to correct their state of depravity. They were told to “take words” with them to the presence of the Lord. Notice that they were not told to make sacrifices or bring money. They were told to bring words. It’s easier to offer sacrifices like monetary offerings than to offer words. Bringing words of repentance to the Lord or those we disagree with is more challenging. It’s especially difficult when we know we “have a right” to be angry or upset. I have learned that there’s a prescribed way into God’s presence. First, it’s not by climbing up to places of prominence and recognition for my “rightness.” The way to His presence is bowing low when everything within me says I need to stand high.
*It is important to note that I’m not advocating bowing to abuse or anything of that nature. It’s not God’s will (see Psalm 11:5 AMP) that anyone be abused physically or emotionally. If you are in a situation where your well-being is in question, know that God is displeased with abuse. Please take time to consider what your options are by calling a counselor or a local hotline.
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