40 years. That’s how long I will have been married to Jamie in July this year, 2024 (spoiler alert: I will post a very sappy anniversary blog). I can’t say that our life has been boring. We have crossed continents and lived in nine different countries, seven of which are in Africa. The other two are the USA and France. They say that of the top five most stressful things to do in life, moving is number three on the list. We have faced stress and hardship more times than I can count, but we’ve managed to stay together (and still love and like one another) up until today. That doesn’t mean that we’ve not had challenges; we have. It just means we decided long ago to always love each other. We decided that we would stick together no matter what might come our way.
That decision has been tested. Living in a high-stress environment like we have for as long as we have has meant our love for one another was bound to be tested. From early marriage issues (you don’t squeeze the toothpaste right) to the pressures of raising children cross-culturally, we have taken some serious exams. Every time, however, we felt the stress rise to uncomfortable proportions, God gave us the grace to remember our decision to love and honor one another.
We decided to love until death do us part

The head-over-heels love that first drew us together has never gone away. I remember when I fell for Jamie (and I fell hard, I’m telling you), I made sure to just “show up” wherever he was. Most of our activities were around church anyway, so I predicted his whereabouts with relative accuracy. Going to church and bumping into him “by chance” in those days was effortless, and I think it’s obvious he felt the same.
We both loved God and missions, and it didn’t take long before we found ourselves serving as missionaries in Africa. Over the years that followed, our love grew deeper and matured under the stresses of life. Oh yes, my heart can still pitter-patter when I see Jamie. But the pitter-patter has gone from a young and naive love to “Wow, we have seen an amazing life together. I love you now and always.”
We’re together until death do us part. We have made a conscious effort to remember that long ago, we decided to love one another.
Inconvenient decisions
When I first met Jesus as a child and then jumped feet-first into serving Him as a teenager, I never felt like I could do enough for Him. Even when something wasn’t planned, like helping someone get to church, I was ready to help. Spontaneity didn’t faze me; I thrived on it. Whenever anything fell through the cracks or help was needed, I was there. Our church used to hold all-night prayer meetings. And people would sign up for different hours to make sure that 24-hour prayer was taking place. I purposely looked for the hours that were empty. I made my schedule work around my commitment to God. It wasn’t convenient, but I was so in love with Him that it didn’t matter.
Decisions to love under stress
As it is with any relationship, our relationship with God can also suffer under the stresses of life. If we don’t spend time with our friends, loved ones, and God, we will slowly drift apart from one another.
From time to time, I wonder if I’m as spontaneous or available to God as I once was. Or am I being selfish and expecting Him to be the one who always gives and not me? Have we forgotten that there was a time when we decided to love Him? Of course, God is our Father, and as such, He will always be the first one to take a step towards us. But if we are constantly stepping away from Him, resisting His gentle nudging on the inside, one day we’ll find ourselves out of love with Him.
"This is what the Lord says:‘I remember how faithful you were to me when you were a young nation. You loved me like a young bride. You followed me through the desert, a land that had never been planted.'" Jeremiah 2:2 NCV
If you find yourself a bit distant from God, step back and take a breath. God is never too busy or frustrated to sit down with us. He makes time; why not respond in kind? He’s never one to shut the door and give up on any of us. On the contrary, He’s waiting and looking for us to return. It’s time to take our seat next to Him so we can pick up where we left off.
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