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He has come and is coming – A devotional for Advent

Its’ been on my heart to put a devotional together for Advent for some time. I toyed a bit with the idea last year. So, this year I got serious about it. I wrote this devotional to encourage you to go beyond the norms our society has formed around Christmas. There’s more to Christmas than a day – it is just part of an ongoing story.

Did you know that there’s more to Advent than Christmas Day?

Jesus was born, grew up, lived life, and ultimately gave Himself for the world’s salvation. At Christmas, we celebrate the birth of Jesus. But, once we come to the end of the season, what more is there to look forward to?

Christmas is only part of the story. One day, there will be another advent, a second coming when Jesus returns. Until then, we remember and are grateful for His first coming. And instead of only celebrating at Christmastime, we can look forward to the next chapter that God is writing—when Jesus comes again.

I wrote He Has Come And Is Coming as a personal reflection of the Advent season. It is my prayer that as you journey with me, you will not only enjoy the season more but also be challenged to look forward in faith. The first Advent was not a one-and-done account. God has not set His pen down just yet. He is still writing.

But really it wasn’t easy to write

It’s taken me some time to write not only the devotional but this post I’ve delayed out of fear. Fear of what? I’m not sure! I know that I know better—old habits die hard! But I’ve laid that old habit to the side. It does me no good to overthink (or brainiac, as I say). So, here goes before I let my nerves get the best of me again.

My prayer is that you will be encouraged to step out this coming year and participate in the ongoing story that God is writing. That you won’t delay out of fear of the unknown. Fear gets us nowhere but faith gets us everywhere.

God has more in store, He’s not done yet!

He has come and is coming

He has come and is coming is available on Amazon as a Kindle ebook or in paperback. There are 24 daily readings designed to be read from 1-24 December. These devotionals can be done alone or in a group to mix it up.

It has been said that it takes 21 days to develop a new habit, I hope that after you’ve read for 24 days that you carry on spending time with the Lord on a daily basis. At the end of the book I give a few directions on how to carry on growing in that relationship.

Click on the link below to go to Amazon.

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I'm a career missionary in Africa serving since 1987 with my husband and family. My husband and I have four children, three of whom are married, and two grandchildren. Life is good.

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