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The time we spend with God doesn’t have any rules except that we spend time with Him. For some, it looks like starting early; for others, it means starting later in the day or evening. I have a good friend whose best time for having personal devotions is late at night. For her, midnight isn’t too late (she knows who she is!).

Every day it takes just a minute to connect with God. This is where we get the term “devotions.”

The Night Shift

close up of moon in the sky
Photo by Ibu chu on

I’m not able to concentrate well enough to have devotional time with God in the late hours. If I’m up late on the “night shift,” it’s usually caused by too much caffeine. You’ll likely read about the “night shift” at some point. During those times I am less likely to retain any information 🤣.

If the night shift works with your rhythm, go for it!

Spending a minute

To those who are reading, saying “spending time with God” might sound a bit “out there.” Because, how does one actually spend time with God Who is unseen?

God isn’t as unseen or invisible as we might think. God makes Himself known to us from the whisperings we hear in our hearts to also our “coincidental” meetings and conversations we have with people. He makes His ways known to us when we begin to look for Him.

"Indeed these are the mere edges of His ways, 
And how small a whisper we hear of Him! 
But the thunder of His power who can understand?"
Job  26:14 NKJV

In “Just a Minute” you’ll find some easy-to-read entries that I’ve organized here to help us as we face our everyday struggles. Every-day struggles might seem small until you face several a day. The little struggles are like little foxes that attack our souls one little bite at a time. Before you know it, a whole part of you has been devoured by those little insignificant bites taken by the foxes of life.

"Catch us the foxes, The little foxes that spoil the vines..."
Song of Solomon  2:15

As you grow in your devotional life, you’ll find hearing God speak to you during the day becoming easier. Daily chores and decisions have God’s voice added to them as your relationship with God goes from an occasional nod to His presence to an all-day discussion.

God is speaking, let’s make sure to listen.

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