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Let’s go on a walk

I love going on a walk. In the past, I’d combine walking with running but my knees began to complain. So, I took up walking instead and later on learned to love hiking. Obviously to those who know me, I am not a skilled hiker. I’m more of a novice. Be that as it may, I do my best.

My favorite walking companion is Jamie (the hubs). When we walk, we talk. And talk, and talk, and talk some more. We’re better these days (after 40+ years of matrimonial bliss) about not interrupting the other when they’re mid-sentence. Better in the sense of not only respecting one another but also about being thoughtful in our responses.

Sometimes, silence is the only response that is needed when talking.

We’ve learned that there’s an art and science involved when talking. Our best talks often take place when we are on a walk.

I didn’t know how to go on a walk

While I’m not big on resolutions at the start of a New Year, I am big on relationship. The most important relationship I have in life, even before my relationship with my husband, is my relationship with God. When I first became a Christian, I wondered how I could have a relationship with God. I loved the Lord and I went to church. But I knew there was more to Christianity than what I was experiencing. I’d occasionally try to read the Bible and pray. But the process of talking and walking with God regularly was hard for me to understand.

I didn’t know how to go on a walk with Him every day.

Walking with God in relationship isn’t about what we do as such. It’s all about the posture of our hearts. Our hearts dictate our actions. When Jamie fell in love with me, he made his feelings for me known to everyone. First, he made it clear to me that he was on a mission to win my heart. Side note, this was pretty easy to do, I fell hard for him. He also made it clear to others that I was his girl, no trespassing.

When we try to lead the way

Living in relationship with God can be likened to going on a walk with Him. Some of the trails He takes us on are harder than others. We run into trouble on those walks when we try to lead the way. When I hike with Jamie, He usually leads the way because he’s steadier on his feet than I am. He holds his hand out to steady me as we go up and down rocky paths.

I’ve learned that hiking is a sport that calls for:

  • An understanding of one’s own physical fitness. It can be dangerous to overestimate fitness when hiking. Being aware of physical strength and weakness makes for a safe hike.
  • An understanding of the trails and walking with a partner. Many hikers have gone missing or even have lost their lives when traversing unknown trails alone. Wisdom dictates an understanding and appreciation of the trails as well as appreciating the importance of not hiking alone.
  • Proper footwear. Hiking without proper footwear can not only result in sore feet but slipping on uneven surfaces.
  • Walking sticks. These provide extra support to lean on.

Wisdom to navigate

These days, learning the mechanics of growing in relationship with God is pretty easy. There are limitless resources available in person, in print, and online. But beware when delving into those sites. It takes wisdom to navigate the complicated world of advice. Whenever I begin searching for resources, I take time to investigate these sites and sources. I would encourage you to do the same.

As it is with hiking, there are things that we need to understand when we walk with God:

  • The main source of our spiritual strength comes from God’s Word. Understanding that everything we ingest needs to be filtered through His Word provides a safety net for our spirits.
  • Everyone needs someone who we connect to and helps us to grow spiritually. This person also helps us and get connected to a local church. There’s no one who can live apart from a local Church. Even the apostle Paul had someone named Ananias who walked with him and introduced him to the first principles of faith (see Acts (9:10-19).
  • We also need to understand that just like the heroes of faith needed to lean on their staffs (like Jacob see Hebrews 11:21), we too, need to lean on God and His word to walk with Him. Only the wise understand they cannot walk apart from leaning on God’s word.

I invite you to go on a walk with me

I invite you to go on a walk with me this year. The word that resonates with me as I think about 2025 is to get closer. I want to go on a walk all year long with the Father. I want to hear His voice, even if it’s only a whisper.

Whispers on a walk

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I'm a career missionary in Africa serving since 1987 with my husband and family. My husband and I have four children, three of whom are married, and two grandchildren. Life is good.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Yolanda

    I pray the Lord help me to draw closer and closer to Him in 2025;
    To learn the art of reading the Word while in the midst of a busy,
    hurried life!
    Setting aside time for the Lord is wha I want to do and I pray the
    Lord will help me to do that better in 2025.

    I also like to take walks and hope to take longer walks in 2025.
    It helps me to think and to be grateful for God’s beautiful nature and
    to wonder How did our Heavenly Father create such beauty?


    1. Lea

      Yes! Drawing close this year and walking with Him. In tune with His steps and musings.

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