Do you “push the envelope?” Have you waited a bit longer to service your car than you should have or asked for an extension on a deadline? Or let dust build up on the bookshelf for a bit too long? Or left clothes in the dryer and pushed the “touch up” button? Hoping extra drying time would help the wrinkles that had formed because you left the clothes in the dryer overnight? A little more time, an extra day, a curved grading scale—surely it can’t hurt anyone or anything.
Abraham’s nephew Lot
If you are familiar with Abraham (formerly known as Abram), you know about God’s promises to him (see Gen. 12:1–3) and the journey God took him on to fulfill those promises. There’s another interesting character in the story of Abraham whose ability to “push the envelope” interests me: Abraham’s nephew Lot.
Lot accompanied Abraham on his journey to the land God was giving him. And as their time together unfolded, so did their relationship. God blessed Abraham and his household (including Lot) so much that there wasn’t enough land for all their herds of sheep and cattle (see Gen. 13:6, 7). Their herdsmen began to argue. The situation was intense, and Abraham decided to approach Lot. The land where they were living wasn’t large enough to sustain them all. So, a decision had to be made to defuse the tensions that were building. Abraham told Lot to pick where to settle first. Abraham, true to his character, said he would take whatever Lot did not choose.
“So Abram said to Lot, 'Please let there be no strife between you and me, and between my herdsmen and your herdsmen; for we are brethren. Is not the whole land before you? Please separate from me. If you take the left, then I will go to the right; or, if you go to the right, then I will go to the left.' And Lot lifted his eyes and saw all the plain of Jordan; it was well watered everywhere (before the Lord destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah), like the garden of the Lord, like the land of Egypt as you go toward Zoar. Then Lot chose for himself all the plains of Jordan, and Lot journeyed east. And they separated from each other.”
Genesis 13:8–11 NKJV
The “lesser deal”
Lot chose what appeared to be the better land in the direction of Sodom, away from the Promised Land. It seemed that Abraham got the “lesser deal.” But it wasn’t until his nephew Lot left that the scope of God’s promise was revealed to him:
“And the Lord said to Abram, after Lot had separated from him: 'Lift your eyes now and look from the place where you are—northward, southward, eastward, and westward; for all the land which you see I give to you and your descendants forever. And I will make your descendants the dust of the earth, so that if a man could number the dust of the earth, then your descendants could also be numbered. Arise, walk in the land through its length and its width, for I give it to you." Genesis 13:14–17 NKJV
There are times when we need to make difficult choices between the things vying for our attention. Friendships, vocation, education, home, or social status will cause a conflict of interest because these herds are attempting to share the same pasture. We assume being at peace with one another means we must live together, but that’s not what we see here in the example of Abraham and Lot.
A rescue
Lot’s eyes were set on what appeared to be the better land. And, in some commentaries, it is stated that the land he chose was so lush that it was reminiscent of the Garden of Eden. It was indeed a beautiful land, but in it were the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. It didn’t take long for Lot to get in trouble. In Genesis 14, Lot was captured by the kings of the area and needed a rescue. Just like a good uncle, Abraham rushed to his aid, chasing off his captors.
Once Lot is safe, Abraham returns home. On his way home, he meets with Melchizedek the King of Salem (who is later seen in the book of Hebrews and whom we know to be Christ Himself). And a covenant is made between him and God. As a result of this covenant, Abraham goes on to see God’s promises unfold in his life. However, Lot is always lurking in the background, in need of a rescue. He pushed the envelope whenever he could, and as a result, he didn’t get very far in life.
Praying for Lot
What’s interesting about Abraham is that, despite Lot’s incessant need for rescue, his heart was never far from him. He was always generous, and prayed for his nephew.
How do you think Abraham felt throughout this process? He had his own personal issues he was working on; the mothers of his two children, Ishmael and Isaac, were not happy with one another at all. He had a vast estate to care for, and Lot always seemed to be in serious trouble. At this time, Abraham had little he could do but pray for Lot (see Gen. 18:9–21).
In Genesis 19:1–29, angels sent by God arrived at Lot’s home to warn him and his family of impending destruction. As you read those verses, you’ll see that Lot did everything he could to push the envelope for as long as he could to stay in the city. One wonders why Lot didn’t leave the night the angels came. Why did he delay leaving (see Gen. 19:16) until the next morning? Why, when he heard of the coming destruction, did he try to remain in Sodom?
Fleeing by force
Finally, almost by force, the angels fled with Lot, his wife, and daughters from the city.
“And while he (Lot) lingered, the men took hold of his hand, his wife’s hand, and the hands of his two daughters, the Lord being merciful to him, and they brought him out and set him outside the city.” Genesis 19:16 NKJV
In reading this passage, I am encouraged to pray, like Abraham, for my friends and loved ones. I don’t know if Lot ever understood that he owed his life and the lives of his family who escaped with him to the prayers of his Uncle Abraham. Lot didn’t seem to have any redeeming qualities. If you take the time to read the entire story in Genesis 19, you’ll see that Lot offered his daughters to the rabble of the city, delayed leaving, and even begged to stay in a small town instead of following the directions of the angels sent to save him. He constantly pushed the envelope, in both good and bad times. And he never appeared to have an urgency to know God for himself.
I wonder what it is about our old lives that appeals to us so much. Why do we long for lives that are void of God’s presence? To “push the envelope” and look back at what is only meant for destruction? Maybe there’s a lingering bit of pride tucked away in the recesses of our hearts that keeps us dusty, like dusty old bookshelves.
Differences in relationship
The reason why Lot pushed the envelope can be found in the differences between Lot and Abraham’s relationships with God. Abram was familiar with God; he knew His voice, and throughout his life, he obeyed Him immediately without hesitation. Lot, on the other hand, is not recorded as even having had one communication of his own with God. He most likely didn’t even recognize that his visitors that fateful night at his house were angels sent from God.
How can we recognize God’s voice? Know when He is giving us direction? We can know Him and recognize His voice when we spend time with Him. Abraham was so familiar with God that he, while far from perfect, somehow kept on course to the promise that God had given him. God doesn’t expect any of us to be perfect, but He does expect us to spend time with Him, for He knows exactly how frail we are.
“For He knows our frame; He remembers that we are dust.” Psalm 103:14 NKJV

We would do well to understand that we “are dust,” and without Him, we are hopeless. This requires a lot of humility! Most of the time, we aren’t interested in being humble. The world tells us to “be yourself,” but God tells us to humble ourselves (see Jam. 4:10). Humbling ourselves in this way doesn’t move us to push the envelope. It pushes us to spend more time with Him in His Word, in worship, and in prayer, and less time trying to push the envelope to see what God might allow.
I’m feeling a bit dusty today. The envelopes of life can’t be pushed any further, and I need His presence in my life to secure my feet to the ground so the winds of life won’t blow my dust away.
I loved your article.
Abraham was so obedient, he immediately did things that the Lord asked of him including taking his son on a journey to sacrifice him. Wow, that had to be a long night for him; and look how wonderful it turned out. I couldn’t help but think of the foreshadowing of Isaac who was assigned to die and the ram that took his place. He was spared as we have been spared by the Lord Jesus, our savior. How wonderful He is, How loving in all of His ways!
Yes! Abraham immediately obeyed, may we do the same!
Sustain the excellent work and producing in the group!
Thank you so much.