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They emerge in stages, when mornings are not a thing

I have four children, three of whom are grown. The fourth is 17 and in the throes of finishing high school, taking SATs, and choosing what to study when she finishes 12th grade. That being said, I have nearly finished raising four teenagers. This is not for the faint of heart. Raising teenagers requires more work on a parent’s part than any other stage of childhood. The raging hormones and the general stress of growing up take a toll. These times make it challenging to “count it all joy” because most teenagers don’t wake up joyful; they emerge in stages.

Everyone knows

I can’t fault any of my children for waking up slowly. Like them, I emerge in stages. It takes me some time to get social. I am naturally an early riser, which helps me set the pace for my day. Before anything else, I will sit in one of two preferred chairs, read my Bible, and pray. This discipline sets the stage for my day. Why read every day? Why pray? I could give a plethora of explanations, but the simplest way to describe the benefits of having my daily devotions is:

They emerge reading the Bible

My late father-in-law, Pastor Tom Peters, often used this quote. I’m unsure who it originates with, but Dad often used it.

If it has been some time since you’ve picked up your Bible, take this short post to heart and have a moment with God today. It doesn’t matter the time or place, only that you do it. You might be like me (and my children) and emerge in stages. Maybe mornings aren’t the best for you. That’s perfectly fine! I have a dear friend whose best time is late at night. What matters is finding a place and time where you can pull away to be with the Lord

If it’s been more than three days, others can likely tell. 😊

I’ve written a lengthy post about growing in your relationship with God that could help you get started. Click here to read it. Here’s another link you can follow to search for Bible reading plans. Don’t worry about being perfect. Just do it, and in time, it will become part of your routine that you can’t live without.

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